Tomb raider 2019
Tomb raider 2019

tomb raider 2019

The Damocles chamber requires Lara to avoid swords that fall from the ceiling as she passes under them. The Thor-themed chamber requires Lara to stand under a massive, falling hammer, dodging out of the way at the last second. Navigating to each room is a challenge in and of itself, but the true difficulty resides in each room’s traps.

tomb raider 2019

To explore deeper, Lara needs to survive a sequence of combat and platforming challenges across four rooms connected to the central hub – each themed after certain gods. The brunt of this level involves leaping and dangling from a series of platforms pillaring up the center of a multi-storied chamber. Francis Folly in Greece looking for a piece of an ancient artifact but gets a lot more than she bargained for. This level has it all: grand spectacle, trap-laden puzzles, bloodthirsty exotic animals – even an Indiana Jones-inspired boulder trap! Lara travels to St. Francis Folly – Tomb Raider/Tomb Raider: Anniversary

Tomb raider 2019