Rome 2 won t launch
Rome 2 won t launch

Alternatively, you can right-click on Shogun 2 in your Steam library, click on “Properties”, then click “Local Files” and then “Browse Local Files…”, from there just navigate to the redist folder and then follow these steps in order if you want to try it for yourself.

rome 2 won t launch

I tried what seemed to be the most common fix first, which was reinstalling all 3 redist files found in “.Steam\steamapps\common\Total War SHOGUN 2\redist\”. But before you start panicking, make sure you’re running Shogun 2 as an admin. Have you been having issues getting Total War: Shogun 2 to work? Game crashing to the desktop whenever it loads? I was having the same issue, and this is how I fixed it.

Rome 2 won t launch